I am sure all paraglider pilots spend their life with one eye on the weather and one on everything else and Wingbeat members are no different. Early messaging on Saturday suggested that Tommy intended to go to Witchie Knowe and I have to admit I secretly questioned why since Witchie is a SW to SE site and the forecast was definitely for westerlies!!
Wind. Lots of it. All from the East or North east. Do people not understand that it's not a great day if it's 27deg but bl**dy windy?
Ok rant over. well. maybe. Stupid Cheap Weather!
Got lots on this week but thought there was a chance of some flying before it got dark. At this time of year its about 10pm so there is plenty of scope for evening flying if you are not in too much of a hurry.
Monday was double-booked so no chance of me getting out flying. Then hospital appointment was over double quick, and work can always wait, so took the early 4pm finish and headed up Hillend. Strange that it was working there - perhaps a continuation of the baffling weather forecasts? - as the whole of Scotland seemed to have some sort of southerly and only Edinburgh had it NE. Bizarre.
Forecast implied we might get some flying in earlyish on sunday morning but we all know forecasts change. Was getting ready to head out when rob said it was raining with him (lovely sky here in lockerbie).
A quick check of the rainfall radar. Doh! timings had changed and it looked wet not long after I would get to the hill.