7th November 2015

Fly higher, further, better, faster
No glass ceilings

This cross country workshop will draw on Pat’s deep understanding, developed over 20+ years of XC flying. It will analyse and develop the main aspects of XC flying on paragliders in the UK.

There are fundamental
techniques which every
XC pilot should be
putting into practice

Pat’s highly renowned courses include the collective experiences from Pat and many others of the very best UK XC pilots including Richard Carter, Richard Westgate, Adrian Thomas, Mike Cavanagh, Gordon Rigg, Bruce Goldsmith, Phil Colbert and Barney Woodhead, to name a few.

The workshop is highly interactive and is designed to help pilots digest the contents and be able to put it into practice.

Who is this workshop aimed at?

The difference between
10km and a 100km is
one decision
Pilots who are looking to get all the foundations in place and for those searching for the missing ingredient for successful and rewarding cross country flying. You may be early in your XC flying or yet to make a start. Perhaps, you may have been flying cross country for years, but you have that desire to improve.
This course unpicks all the fundamentals to being a good XC pilot.

Programme for the day*:

Setting the goals
helping you achieve what you want to from the day
Thermals and thermalling.
The absolute bedrock of the XC adventure. How thermals typically behave, with an emphasis on UK flying. Learning and perfecting the 5 thermalling methods.
Getting away from the hill.
How to maximise your chances of getting away. Judging the point of no return. Backup plans.
Decisions in flight
Unlocking the door to freedom in the sky. Finding your next thermals. Removing the stress from decision making. Playing the % game. 360 degree decisions. Techniques for improving glide.
Going Big.
Using "speed to fly." Changing up and down the gears. Getting the best from your instruments.
Choosing the days and the sites.
A straight forward guide to getting the most out of your valuable flying days. Practical tips to help you set your priorities and avoid some of the common mistakes.
Having a full understanding of the weather is not just about being in the right place at the right time. It’s also about having the information that will help you during flight. This session will be loaded with practical tips from the top pilots. We will also delve a little into the some of the special aspects of flying XC in the Borders.
Physical preparation and equipment
Getting the small details makes big differences to (almost) every pilot.
Landing out
Techniques for getting down safely at the end of a (hopefully) long flight. Reading the wind and terrain, coping with the unexpected. Useful training exercises.

* Programme is subject to change based in part on attendees experience.

Decent XC days often
have a small slot of good
conditions which moves
across the country


Connections (church hall),
32 Back Row,
Selkirk TD7 4LP


{mosmap address='32 Back Row, TD7 4LP'| labeltext='XC Workshop'| zoom='15'| overview='2'| text='

32 Back Row,
Selkirk TD7 4LP
'| marker='0'}


£30 per person
Payment must be made to reserve your place. More details on the registration page.


We're aiming for 20 people on the course but there is some flexibility if there is demand.
23 paid and confirmed
In theory all spaces have been taken but get in touch if your interested as we can cope with more than 20 people if needs be.


Starting 9.30 - 10. Finish 16:30-17:00.
We'll break for lunch at some point. Lunch is NOT provided. There are shops nearby.

More information

For more information please contact Jamie