It's been a while but at last a chance to fly. Turned up at 11am to find Gerald making a fire. Looked a bit suspicious too me , what's he burning , but I realized it was for making a brew later on. I think he knew it was going to be a long day.

  Anyway the wind appeared to be in order so we set of walking across to the Sw bowl. Setting up and Rob appears..I am a little bit nervous, new wing and it's looking tasty with good looking clouds.

  Gerald goes first on his old Spider as his Swift is getting an oil change. Looks ok so of I go. Feels good , plenty of lift , pushing way out is easy. Its nicely thermic. 

  Rob launches and has a mooch about before heading for a cloud way out , starts turning  and a little while later reaches base over the back and disappears...forever,  he has flown to Smailholm.

Good effort Rob.

  So then there were two. After a while the wind direction changed to West. We landed back at the cars and Gerald made a brew on the fire..with a very suspicious looking kettle.

  Alex and Emily turned up and by the time we had the brew the direction was good again.  And so the afternoon passed in lifty conditions.  The usual format of top landings , wagga and thermals. 

 I was a bit wary on my new wing the Epsilon 8 but after a short time I really felt good on it. Seems to fly really nicely.  Big thanks to S&W for that.

  It smoothed out as the day went on , seemed to get even better. We kept flying until just after 4 PM. The sun went behind a bank of cloud . Still plenty going on but we have had enough.

Emily made tea....

  It was a wonderful day.
